SPOCK: The older the victim, the more rapid the progress of the disease.
KIRK: And you? The disease doesn't seem to be interested in you.
SPOCK: I am a carrier. Whatever happens, I can't go back to the ship, and I do want to go back to the ship, (long pause as he and Jim gaze with undisguised adoration into each other's eyes), Captain.
KIRK: Of course, Mister Spock (another long loving look at each other and a melting smile from Jim).
You do need to see this interchange to truly appreciate what is going on. To see how they look at each other and what is conveyed through their eyes and facial expressions. It is as beautiful and tender as the infamous 'this simple feeling' scene from Star Trek - The Motion Picture.
This is followed by a heart-wrenching scene when Janice confronts her growing fear as the disease takes over her body. In effect she admits her feelings for Jim and he comforts in a very stiff and uncomfortable way, obviously not wanting to lead her on. Only moments into their hug McCoy calls out to them to say he has isolated the virus and they rush back into the laboratory to hear the news. Janice and Jim reflexively hug in celebration but Jim quickly looks over his shoulder to beam another of his 'special' smiles at his real love...awww. I get gooey just thinking about these two moments, imagine how I am when I actually watch them.
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