Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Menagerie Part 1 & 2

Star Trek, the original series, only two part episode, see Spock steal the Enterprise and his former commanding officer, Captain Christopher Pike, and takes them to the only forbidden planet in Federation space - the mysterious Talos IV. Under Pike's command Spock has visited Talos IV once before, eleven years ago, and after hearing that his former Captain is now confined to a wheelchair and incapable of any independent existence, Spock decides to risk everything in a bid to return Pike to a better life with the Talosians.
Spock works out everything to the finest details with his brilliant and logical mind. But naturally Jim Kirk is not taking the theft of his starship lying down and he follows the Enterprise in a shuttlecraft (which has only limited range). Gambling that Spock will not abandon him, Jim pushes past the shuttlecraft's point of no return. Predictably, Spock rescues the Captain and promptly hands himself over for Court Martial on the grounds of Mutiny (dramatic sting!!!)
Spock demands that the Court Martial takes place immediately and as one of only three Command ranked officers on board, Christopher Pike is part of the trial board. Commodore Mendez (who has accompanied Kirk from Starbase 11) asks Spock why he has stolen the Enterprise and as part of his evidence Spock presents a multitude of video clips of events that happened on Talos IV eleven years previously. Long story short, it is the Talosians who contacted Spock and it is they who are presenting the evidence. This, the Court Martial and even the presence Commodore Mendez are all just an elaborate trick to keep Captain Kirk busy until the Enterprise can arrive at Talos. Kirk is convinced that Chris Pike will be much happier living with Vina and the Talosians in a illusory world than spending the rest of his life trapped in his ruined body.
From a slash point of view there is much in this episode that has to do with the relationship between Kirk and Spock. Spock logically works out the only way to pull off his plan without there being any danger of Kirk being court martialed along with him. There are a number of very tense scenes between the two of them, as Jim has to weigh up his loyalties to Spock and the Enterprise. Spock pleads with Kirk to allow him to explain and present all the evidence. The obvious pain he feels as he pronounces the guilty verdict is palpable.
In the final scene when Spock returns Pike to the surface of Talos IV, the Talosian Keeper says the following to Kirk via telepathy: KEEPER: Captain Kirk, (the screen then shows the healthy young Vina and healthy young Pike hand in hand) KEEPER: Captain Pike has an illusion, and you have reality. May you find your way as pleasant. WE can read from this that the Talosians are telling Kirk that they hope his reality (with Spock) will be as delightful as Vina and Pike's will be together.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic analysis of one of my favourite TOS episodes. You are right that the tense scenes between Spock and Kirk during the Court Martial are just heartbreaking, as we can see how much Kirk is wrestling with believing in Spock, but at the same time trying to tow the Starfleet line. How conflicted he must have felt! And how painful for Spock to have had to go behind Kirk's back like that (even though he had the best intentions with every single thing that he did.)
    Dramatic perfection.
